Look in the Mirror

Mon.3/11/13: Hoping everyone is rested up from the weekend and adjusted to the time change. Time to get back at it. I’ve been posting mainly to the people out there in internet space looking to start a fitness program. If you are one of those people looking to loose weight, change your appearance, feel better about yourself…then reply to this post. If you don’t know how to start, have a habit of starting—but always quit…reply to the post. There is no reason to not exercise.
There are gyms in every city, trainers,bloggers who want to motivate you, home workouts that are good, information all over the internet. There is help every where! When you look in the mirror and say things like I hate my body,or I’m fat, or I’ve gotta do something….think about this post. I have tons of information on how to help any type of individual, and there are several very good bloggers at Stevey’s Training Room that you can read. Look in that mirror today and say, today is the day I’m going to change…quit feeling bad about myself. The hardest part is starting…I can’t do it for you…But I can help you get the work done. There are of ton of us here that want you to succeed. I can also be reached at http://www.beachbodycoach.com/steveyg.